Dont forget to check the file type

file example.fileexample


exiftool example.fileexample

for GPS info in alternative format (decimal)

exiftool  -c "%.6f" example.fileexample

Grab contents of files with weird sizes

foremost -v examplefile
binwalk -Me examplefile
steghide extract -sf examplefile

Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit


zsteg : detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP
pngcheck : pngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files (by checking the internal 32-bit CRCs [checksums] and decompressing the image data); it can optionally dump almost all of the chunk-level information in the image in human-readable form.
Mediaextract : Extracts media files (AVI, Ogg, Wave, PNG, …) that are embedded within other files.

Crack password of a zip without password

fcrackzip -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt example.fileexample

Crack password of a rar without password

[root:~/Downloads]# rar2john crocs.rar
file name: artwork.jpg

Crack password of a pdf without password

pdfcrack "cool.pdf" -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Crack password of a KeePass Password Database without password

keepass2john user.kdbx

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=keepass hashfile

Crack password of a Truecrypt File without password

truecrack --truecrypt <Truecrypt File> -k SHA512 -w <Wordlist_File>

and Veracrypt or cryptsetup to open the file.

cryptsetup open --type tcrypt <Truecrypt> <MountName>

Data Extraction Windows Files (Alternate Data Streams)

find ADS files in the current folder

dir /R

extract ADS info from a specific file

more < FileName:StreamName

for example:

more < hmm.txt:root.txt

results matching ""

    No results matching ""